Vuhlari-Yums Chillax Pet Treats
Vuhlari-Yums were derived from our pet Max's undying desire to eat the leaves of my valerian plant in the garden. That led to some research which suggested Max may have simpily been trying to chill using valerians sedative properties. As an hertbalist I knew that I could add a few other herbs such as skullcap to enhance the "chill factor" which was an instant hit. By using pet safe herbs bound with chia powder for additional Omega 3's and nutrients, Max can continue to chow down without the risk of getting scolded for eating pops plants. Dogs chew grass for many reasons like to soothe their tummies or just as an instictive practice. Why not allow them to chew on a snack that may help with seperation anxiety, thunderstorms or hyper activity. Treat you pets with Vuhlari-Yums now, Max the Malinois says so!